Praise for Progress

This year Heather Patton did our VBS for us. The theme was "God is Bigger Than What Bugs You." We learned about five different bugs and how they could relate to the kid's lives. We had a good attendance and even reconnected with a young lady who used to attend Sunday School years ago. Please pray that the lessons taught during VBS will remain with the kids through the years to come. May they truly realize that God is bigger than the many things they face even at a young age. 
Taste testing for an object lesson. 
We learned that even though some of the ingredients are "bad" alone they are good in the right proportion. The take home for the kids was that God has a purpose for everything in their life- even if it seems bad. 

Our theme for VBS 

Kids playing "Monkey in the middle" before VBS
Jump rope is one of the kids favorite games to play. 

Lazarus along with our friend Sally (the puppet) came to visit us during VBS.

Sis. Becky teaching a verse

These kids had perfect attendance and said all five of the memory verses.

The kids that had perfect attendance during VBS

We were so blessed to have the Jonathan Lucas family along with Benjamin Sanders come to work on the church. They a long with some others who pitched in did an amazing job and made a lot of progress. Ben did a meticulous job of wiring the church. The group also built the walls for Sunday School rooms, the bathroom, and a sound equipment room along with the platform. They were also able to get the sheeting put on the ceiling as well as install the windows and one door. 
A huge thank you to each one for all the work you put in. 

A hungry crew eating a much deserved meal. 

The group enjoying home made ice cream.

Thank You sooo much for all your work!

Thank the Lord for all the progress that was made on the church.
VBS went smoothly, and we ministered to many kids as well as some of their parents.

Prayer Requests:
Please pray for Sis. Stephens as she is recovering from a recent illness.
Please pray for a work group that is planning to come towards the end of August to continue the progress on the church.

Thank you for all of the support you have given to us over the long journey that we have been on the last two years. We are looking forward to being able to worship in our new building soon. 
