The end of September we held our annual free winter clothing give away. This is a time our church families look forward to, and a time for us to make contact with individuals from the community we haven't seen in awhile.
We were thankful for a gorgeous day which allowed us to put clothing outside!
Clothing, Clothing,
and More Clothing!!!
Along with our annual clothing give away, we have a soup supper for our church families on Thursday evening.
We were happy that Rev. Melvin Beecher was able to come out in October to hold a revival.
We had revival with Bro. & Sis. Melvin Beecher October 9-14. The divil fought hard. We had constant rain and snow for 3 days and 3 nights. Our "gravel-dirt" road totally became impossible. We had to cancel one night of service and get there by "nook or by crook" the other services. God was there in a real way and He helped each one of us. We had several seekers at the altar but we have very poor attendance. The very last night several came that we were praying for. Pray that we will keep the revival spirit going in our hearts and see many more find Jesus. They asked us to vacate the building we were having service in during the revival so they could build the "spook house." After explaining we were having special services until the end of the week they graciously let us stay until revival was over. Thank God!
The Lord sent someone to help us get our floor poured in our church. We have been at a stand still for a long time. Lord willing we will get one-third of the floor poured this week! Help us pray that God will send in the finances to finish the floor before bad weather sets in.
(by Sheila Stephens)
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